RHEL5 or OEL - 11g - ASM 설치 후 재부팅하면 오라클 디스크가 조회가 되지 않고, 시작도 안될 때

SQL> select status from v$instance;
select status from v$instance
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0

SQL> startup
ORA-00099: warning: no parameter file specified for ASM instance
ASM instance started

Total System Global Area  284565504 bytes
Fixed Size                  1336036 bytes
Variable Size             258063644 bytes
ASM Cache                  25165824 bytes
ORA-15110: no diskgroups mounted


[root@server122 ~]# oracleasm disks

(아무것도 안나옴)


▲ RHEL5, OEL에서는 dm-xxxxx 라는 파일에서 디스크를 찾게끔 만들어져 있다.
1.그 파일을 찾아서 주석처리를 해 주면 된다.
2.dm 부분을 ""이렇게 공백처리 해 주면 되나? (이건 해보진 않았다, 가설만 세움)



11g asm 설치 후 oracleasm listdisks 했는데 디스크 목록이 안보일 경우 조치하기
해결책 : /etc/udev/rules.d/90-dm.rules 파일을 열어서 첫 번째 줄을 주석 처리할 것.

이 작업을 한 후 asm 은 정상 오픈 되었다.

이 아래는 해보진 않았지만 참고



** 위 작업 설명
We already had the same symptom of ORA-15032 & ORA-15063 mentioned in my last post. Trying to follow these instructions didn't help this time.


ls -l /dev/oracleasm/disks/*
rpm -qa | grep oracleasm ->
kfod asm_diskstring='ORCL:*' disks=all
(/etc/init.d/oracleasm) /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm conatin ORACLEASM_SCANORDER=dm
spfile has: asm_diskstring = /dev/dm*


All of these command worked fine. Beacause of the dm* parameter I checked the filesystem:


$ ls -l /dev/dm-*
/bin/ls: /dev/dm-*: No such file or directory


It seems that the dm* devices are missing and must be there for ASM by Note 602952.1 :


NOTE: When scanning, only the device names known by the kernel are scanned. With device-mapper, the kernel sees the devices as /dev/dm-XX. The /dev/mapper/XXX names are created by udev for human readability. Any configuration of ORACLEASM_SCANORDER or ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE must use the dm prefix.


Since this Host is RedHat 5, we found the source of the problem by Note 558596.1:


Cause: The oracleasm scans /proc/partitions and expects devices to be available in /dev. If the device doesn't exist in /dev it will fail to open the device. RHEL/OEL5 does not create dm-xx devices in /dev by default.

Solution: Please comment out the following line in file /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules
#KERNEL=="dm-[0-9]*", ACTION=="add", OPTIONS+="ignore_device"
reboot and the problem should be gone.
Note: Newer versions of EL/RH 5 the udev rule has been moved to "/etc/udev/rules.d/90-dm.rules".


11g asm 설치 후 재부팅하면 DB 시작이 안되는 경우 조치방법
-> root 계정으로 $ASM_HOME/bin 아래에서
   ./crsctl start resource ora.cssd  실행

by 짱구를꼭말려 2013. 8. 13. 10:57